
Christie's Top 11 Reasons why I haven't blogged in a very, very long time........

Here we go with the countdown...(please keep in mind most of these have all "come about" in the last few weeks).

1. (No picture available) 28 new baby chicks.
2. (No picture available) 3 turkeys.
3. Our female rabbit (Ugly) had babies that she decided to try and kill shortly after their birth. I tried to save as many as I could and was able to "nurse" 4 of them with kitten formula for about 4 days until they all died. :( Very sad

4. We were dog sitting Greg's parents' dog (Sam) and she is a handful!

5. We went to the fair and started talking to a young girl that is going away to college. She had entered a couple of rabbits into the fair and needed homes for them when she moved. I fell in love with this mini lop eared rabbit and so we adopted him. His name is Oliver and he is the sweetest, tamest, cutest rabbit in the whole world. Not to mention that he ended up winning "Best in Show" at the fair!

6. Yes, two kittens that we have acquired to "guard" our land / house against rodents. They live on the front porch for now until they are bigger and can take care of themselves. They are "Mo" and "Charlie" (girls) that Grant named.

7. In the same night that we picked up Oliver and the kittens, this dog showed up on our porch and stayed for a few days until I was ready to strangle him for howling all day long. I finally tracked down his owner. He has since left our animal sanctuary.

8. Grant Grant started school last Wednesday. I literally had to drag him into class, but when I picked him up he was extatic and LOVED school! His teacher is so sweet and loving and he has two of his buddies from church in his class. There are 10 kindergarteners in his class (5 boys and 5 girls).

9. Why not? We couldn't resist this pup. His name is "Ben" and we adopted him from the Mt. Shasta Humane Society. He is a Retriever / Lab / Chinese Shar-pei mix. The stinkin cutest dog!

10. Lucy decided that she wanted to start going poop in the toilet. Now she has decided that she doesn't want to do that anymore. Whatever! I'm in no hurry.
11. The best one! Lucy finally has just enough hair in back to put into two little piggy tails. Can you see them? She is so beside herself with joy. So is Mommy! So, you know that it takes just a bit longer each day to "do Lucy's hair".


Matt5verse6 said...

Wow, you are having quite a good time, huh? What fun with all of the animals around! :) Yeah, I tried the baby rabbit thing too once...same outcome. I was told it is nearly impossible to keep them alive if the mother chooses not to care for them. :( I was heartbroken when they all died. :( Grant and Lucy are growing up so fast. :( They are so precious and I'm glad they are having a great time with all the unexpected blessings God is bringing your way. ;) Miss you guys lots! ♥

For His Glory said...

Um, okay, so instead of going to the zoo, we are going to Christie's house kids! All I ask is pleeeaase do not get a pit bull dog...

The Pichura Family said...

You sound even crazier than I am, dear friend!!!

I am still blown away by all the animals that you keep taking in...and that you seem to be taking it all in stride!

Seriously, I loved the post!!! Can't wait to show the kids...and I can't believe Grant is in school!!! WOW!!! Can't wait for updates on that!

Reflections of Humility said...

where are the monkeys, elephants, and giraffes??
It's good to hear an update. How sweet that Lucy wants pigtails.

Matt5verse6 said...

Where did you go? It's been forever since your last post!!!

Lia at Petite Little Bee said...

Hi: Just thought I would stop on by and am so glad I did. You have a wonderful blog. Thanks for sharing and thanks so much for dropping by my blog. Cheers, Lia

Matt5verse6 said...

Hi there. I miss your blogging. :( I hope you guys are doing well. Much love. ♥