So, I thought that I would give everyone (whoever actually reads this blog) a better glimpse at what is going on with the Horne's.
We have pretty much "settled" into this tiny and temporary home (aside from the temporalness of the earthly aspect) and have been enjoying it. I'm sure that everyone that knows me and including myself didn't think that this was going to be a very smooth transition. I grew up and am a city / beach loving girl, but the quiet, undistracting, "apart" from the world feeling has crept into my heart. We are living in this home that is quite a bit smaller than our home in R.V., but we haven't seemed to notice as much anymore. We are surrounded by God's creation and it is such an awesome reminder of how great and good God is. We can see Mt. Shasta from our front window. The many animals that we now have, that I don't particularly like the smell of, truly bless my children and have become a part of our family. Grant has learned a lot of responsibility since he is the one getting up each morning and feeding them all. It has been a blessing to me to see him become more mature in doing his daily "chores". We have also been so priveleged and blessed by a wonderful church and church family. It is quite a bit larger than UBC, but the people make it feel like a close knit family. Our pastor, Pastor Jon, is so encouraging, loving, caring, humble, and godly and we are so blessed by him and his teaching through the Word. His wife has truly blessed me in so many ways! She is such an example of a Proverbs 31 woman. Each Sunday I have new members come and greet me and the kids (Greg has to work on Sundays) and I am blessed by it each and every time. Greg has been going to a men's prayer and bible study group on Thursday mornings and has been enjoying that a lot. It's mostly "older" men of the church, but Greg enjoys learning from their wisdom. I have been going to a women's bible study on Wednesday mornings and have really enjoyed it and been encouraged by the ladies that attend. Grant just finished with Awana and will be a Sparkie next year. Last week he went to Sunday School without a fight! Praise God! Lucy goes to nursery and has made many friends there (children and adults alike). Grant will start Kindergarten in August and we go to meet his teacher and visit the classroom on Friday. We have also begun a "family garden" with Greg's parents and Lord willing will produce a lot of good food! We prayed over it last week and have slowly started doing things in it. It's about 100' x 50', so we are hoping that we'll have enough stuff to share to those in need also. So, despite my hate for dust and dirt, bugs, and smelly animals, we are happy and blessed to be here. I also make my (about) weekly trips to Medford, OR to soak up some of that "city" life that I sometimes miss. Most of all, the only things that we really miss are the family and good friends that we have moved away from. Oh, and Trader Joes!!!! It's funny to think that just a few months ago, I outwardly said "There is NO WAY I would live up there" until I decided to seek God's will and not my own. He gave me a peace about it, though I was sad to leave our "home", and has been so completely faithful to me. What I thought would be "over my dead body" has been good and blessed. God is faithful and always keeps His promises!
"But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. 'The Lord is my portion,' says my soul, 'therefore I will hope in Him.' " Lam. 3.21-24